Mission 2010

To Reports from the field of Threads of Hope June 2010 2010 is another year that has started with much involvement and impact for Threads of Hope teams, partners and volunteers.1. In Jan and Feb in Nairobi we arranged, purchased and delivered six more motorcycles for Maasai Pastors and an orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya. Once again they were funded by the CMA (a Chapter of the Christian Motorcycle Association in Minn., led by the Just family who helped us last year.) 2. In March we purchased and delivered $1,500 worth of fabrics direct from a mill in Kenya to bless our sewing outreaches. Most of the fabric will be used to make children’s school uniforms. Others are for Maasai Shukas, colorful garments worn by the Maasai. 3. Threads of Hope helped a new sewing center outreach start up in Narok, Kenya. They are making items for internet sales and local items for sale. The ministry provides an outreach to women in distress in Kenya.4. Here at our home base, things have been humming! For months we have been collecting, packing sewing machines, fabrics and thread for another shipment to Honduras. Here’s a praise report concerning this….volunteers are helping to build, pack and send 20 sewing machines and fabrics and sewing items, also a 20 Hp outboard for their fishing fleet!5. Our missionary partners, Joseph and Molly Bail were here in April from Nakuru, Kenya. Joseph is acting as our Threads of Hope director and is helping to coordinate moving equipment and supplies for us in Kenya. We met for future planning at their orphanage and for building a Threads of Hope Sewing Center, Co-op and Training Center in Nakuru. We sent them back with a machine that can sew any size button on a garment in 8 seconds. They will be making school uniforms. As well we also sent 12 audio Bibles in Maasai language with Joseph to bring to the Maasai Pastors that received motorbikes. 6. I recently received a Skype call from our good friend and partner Pastor Dinesh Chand in North India. He told me he recently brought a team to a village in North India (on the China boarder) at 15,000 ft elevation. The team brought 16 sewing machines. He said the whole village was in tears to receive the gift funded by Threads of Hope and Jet ICU of Brooksville Fla. This is the 13th church NICO (North India Community Outreach) has started using sewing machines as the “opener” (The relationship building tool to bring the Gospel) We have partnered for 5 years with them and they report 95% of those that receive machines and training receive Christ as their Savior; remarkable for their Hindu culture. There are 20 to 30 machines in 13 villages now… Pray for a salvation for every stitch. 7. Threads of Hope sent funds to our MVI missionaries in Haiti in Mar. & more sewing machines to Uganda. 8. Time for a couple praise reports: Recently a man who fixes sewing machines has voluntered to help us. What ananswer to prayer! Furthermore he is drumming for more sewing machines for us. Thanks to Howard Jarvis for his partnership and willingness to provide his unique and needed skill.

Here’s another timely praise report: The Nairobi Pregnancy Center, Sewing Ministry (Youth for Christ) sent an e-mail saying they received additional sewing contracts for items to be sold in the States. You may remember they are an outreach to women from the Nairobi Kibera slums. They are now well equipped to service these contracts; helping to further help their clients earn a living. Speaking of which we also need funding to keep all this ministry in motion; let’s not loose stride. Help us to help those that are reaching out and bring the Gospel – the foundation of our motivation for sewing and sowing. Future plans: 1. Our hope is to enhance the Cana Girls Rescue Center in Kenya (for those who run to this Center to escape female mutilation) with more sewing machines, fabric and training.2. We hope to begin construction on a Maasai Sewing Center building. It will be a Training Center and Co-op in Ngoswani, Kenya; a village we started mission development in 2004 along with Dr. Graber and JanMacCray ministries. Add to this NFHF and their medical development.3. We are looking and praying for ways to help more in Haiti and Honduras (the Lord has given ideas to help lead the way) 4. We need to stay the course and encourage our sewing partners around the Globe. This means sending and going. Pray for those who can lead teams to join us. We need continued support for our Home Base in Dunedin, Fl for the daily needs of Threads of Hope operations. Our building fund for the Threads of Hope Center in Kenya has $8,000 toward our goal of $25,000. A Gift of one sewing machine ($100 -$150 in most developing countries) can help feed a family. Monthly support is needed to support the logistics, receiving and shipping, communications and training for our partners in the field.


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